This international conference on Environmetrics and Statistics in the Earth and Space Sciences (ESESS) is jointly organized by

It is hosted in the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), in the city of Athens, Greece, during August 23-27, 1999, as a satellite conference to the 52nd Biennial Session of the International Statistical Institute (Helsinki, Finland, August 10-18, 1999).

The Scientific Committee of SESS - TIES ’99 :

A. H. El-Shaarawi, Canada (Chairman) 

O. E. Barndorff-Nielsen,  Denmark 
D. R. Brillinger, USA 
P. C. Chatwin, UK 
R. Correll, Australia 
L. Cox, USA 
V. Dovi, Italy 
S. R. Esterby, Canada 

A. Maul, France
Y. Ogata, Japan
H. Pavlopoulos, Greece 
V. Perez-Abreu, Mexico 
J. L. Teugels, Belgium 
W. Urfer, Germany 
R. Viertl, Austria 
F. Zwiers, Canada

The  Local Organizing Committee of SESS - TIES '99 :

Address of Conference Site:

Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)
76 Patission Street, Athens, Greece

SESS - TIES ’99  is intended as a merger of two initially planned separate TIES and SESS conferences into a single event. The aims are to create  a better opportunity for a mutually needed interdisciplinary interaction between researchers of the Statistical, Mathematical, Environmental, and Geophysical Sciences, and to attract cutting edge research papers on

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