Abstracts should be submitted only by corresponding authors (or co-authors) who wish to deliver an oral presentation in SESS - TIES ’99. Each corresponding author should submit only one abstract not exceeding the maximum of  300 words, and should not contain any mathematical symbols or equations. The title of each abstract should be no longer than the maximum of 15 words, and should be followed by each co-author’s first and last name fully spelled, while initials should be used only for the middle name (if there is one).

Abstracts must be submitted via electronic mail by simply completing the Abstract Form.

The deadline for Submission of Abstracts by participants is June 15, 1999.

The deadline for Admission of Abstracts by the organizers is July 15, 1999.

All the admitted abstracts will be assembled by session where they belong, and shall be printed in a single bound booklet of abstracts, which shall be distributed on site to each registered participant of  SESS - TIES ’99.

After the conference, authors of the presented papers are strongly encouraged to submit their papers to designated research journals for further pier refereeing and possible publication in special issues dedicated to SESS - TIES ’99.

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