Every participant of SESS - TIES ’99  should register officially. It is strongly advised for the smoother organization of  the conference, that participants do register as early as possible, preferably before June 15, 1999, which is also the deadline for availability of lower registration fees, and for submission of abstracts, and certainly prior to arrival at the conference.

However, registration will be also possible on site, during the conference. In the case of on site registration, no traveler’s checks, no personal or other checks, nor credit cards will be accepted, and all payments must be made in cash, either in US-Dollars or in Greek Drachmas (GDR) at the date’s rate to the US-Dollar. Current exchange rates for a wide range of currencies versus GR-Drachma are given here.

The official registration procedure consists of  3-STEPS :

Step 1:

Complete  and submit all requested information in the Registration Form.

Step 2:

Deposit the appropriate registration fee (or fees if also accompanied by other persons) to the
Account Number 110/480069-90 (National Bank of Greece, Branch Aggelopoulou, 98 Patission Str., GR-11257 Athens, Greece) on behalf of the Research Center of AUEB , ESESS’99.

Step 3:

For every transaction regarding payment by deposit of registration fees to  the above account,  please send (preferably by fax) a copy of your receipt, showing clearly  your Name, the Amount, and the Date of payment, to

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