Short Courses


Estimation of human impact on the  environment

Sunday - Monday  June 16 - 17, 2002
Room C1 - Facoltà di Ingegneria, Via Opera Pia, 15 (see the map)

Organized by Anders Grimvall (Linköping University, Sweden), coordinator of the EU project IMPACT (Estimation of human impact in the presence of natural fluctuations), in cooperation with TIES.


Target  group for the course: Ph.D. students and young researchers

Brief description of the course:
The human impact on the environment can long be concealed or distorted by natural fluctuations in meteorological and other conditions. The course deals with new techniques to extract anthropogenic signals from measured data. In particular, it will be shown how deterministic, physics-based models can be integrated with statistical procedures. 

To promote active discussion of the case studies, the participants will have access to the underlying data sets prior to the course.

Scientific committee: Peter Guttorp (University of Washington, Seattle, USA), Hans Wackernagel (Ecoles des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France), Andrea Saltelli (Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy) and Anders Grimvall (Linköping University, Sweden).



Day 1:

Anders Grimvall (2 h) Normalisation of environmental data

Hans Wackernagel

Laurent Bertino   (2 h)

Data assimilation for air and water quality models
 (4 h) Small group discussion of case studies on air and water quality  I-II

Day 2:

Peter Guttorp (2 h) Meteorological adjustment techniques for air quality data
Andrea Saltelli (2 h) Sensitivity analysis of environmental models
 (4 h) Small group discussion of case studies on air and water quality  III-IV

Fees for attending the course**:

students*     80 Euro
non students   180 Euro

*Students will be requested to certify their condition by a letter of their supervisor. 

**Fees include coffee breaks and lunches.

See the registration section for the payment



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