COAP Cognitive Outcomes with Advanced Psychometrics

The general goal of our research is to develop statistically and scientifically sound strategies for measurement of cognitive functioning in the elderly. The focus of the current 5-year NIH-funded project is on using advanced psychometrics and Bayesian methods for the analysis of cognitive test batteries, possibly in combination with neuroimaging (MRI) and biomarker data.


Project team:
  • PI: Paul K. Crane, MD MPH (General Internal Medicine), University of Washington. NIH biosketch.

  • Elena Erosheva, PhD (Statistics), University of Washington.

  • Laura Gibbons, PhD (Public Health and Gerontology), University of Washington.

  • Chengjie Xiong, PhD (Biostatistics), Washington University.

  • Danielle Harvey, PhD (Biostatistics), UC Davis.

  • Dan Mungas, PhD (Neuropsychology), UC Davis.

  • Rich Jones, ScD (Measurement and modeling), Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged in Boston.

  • McKay Curtis, PhD (Statistics), University of Washington

  • Jonathan Gruhl, (Statistics), University of Washington


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Last updated: August 12, 2008.