Empirical Processes Working Group

Spring Quarter 2009

The tentative schedule for the Empirical Processes Working Group:

The main purpose of this page will be to keep a current version of the schedule for the group meetings. The current schedule (as of 4/9/2009) is as follows:

Tentative Schedule: (subject to suggestions, revision, and volunteers(!))

FUTURE MEETINGS:  (chapter numbers refer to Van der Vaart and Wellner (1996))

********************************    SPRING QUARTER         **************************************************

April  1:    (  Jon W. gone; no meeting)

April  8:    chapter 2.5 completion             Arseni Seregin
               bracketing inequality & 
               bracketing CLT

April 15:    chapter 2.6, VC theory             (Giancarlo) Victor sal y Rosas

April 22:    chapter 2.6  VC theory             Robin Evans
April 29:    chapter 2.6, continued             Charles Doss
             chapter 2.7, start
May    6:    Talagrand's inequalities        
               concentration and deviation;
               applications of Talagrand's      Jon Wellner &
               inequality                       Julia Dony

May   13:    functional delta method            Gary Chan

May   20:    multiplier inequalities, 
               multiplier CLT's, and the 
               bootstrap, continued             Jon Wellner (in place of 
                                                   Victor Sal y Rosas)

May   27:    multiplier CLT's and the           Takumi Saegusa
               bootstrap, continued            

June   3:    multiplier CLT's and the 
               bootstrap, continued             Brian Leroux

*******************************  PAST MEETINGS, WINTER QUARTER  ********************************************

January 14:   intro & overview                 Jon Wellner               

January 21:   chapter 2.2, Orlicz norms,       Arseni Seregin
                exponential inequalities,
                + basic maximal lemma 

January 28:   chapter 2.2, contd:              Takumi Saegusa

February 4:   subGauss processes,              Takumi Saegusa (completion) 
                Dudley's entropy inequality    Victor (Giancarlo) Sal y Rosas    

February 11:  chapter 2.3:  symmetrization     Victor (Giancarlo) Sal y Rosas (completion)   
                inequalities; Ottaviani's      Robin Evans
                inequality; Hoffmann-Jorgensen

February 18:  chapter 2.4, Glivenko-Cantelli   Robin Evans (completion)
                 theorems                      Brian Leroux  

February 25:   chapter 2.4 - extensions        Jon Wellner
                (1)  consistency of MLE's via Glivenko-Cantelli theorems
                (2)  Glivenko-Cantelli preservation theorems 
                (3)  The converse of the VC-Glivenko-Cantelli theorem

March 4:      converse of the GC-theorem, contd:  Jon Wellner
                 the multiplier inequality         (25-30 minutes)

              chapter 2.5, Donsker theorems    Victor (Giancarlo) Sal y Rosas

March 11  :   chapter 2.5, continued             

               uniform entropy Donsker theorem   Victor (Giancarlo) Sal y Rosas

               bracketing Donsker theorems       Arseni Seregin

***************   END OF WINTER QUARTER  *****************************