Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes
with A. W. van der Vaart; March 1996
List of Reviews:
International Statistical Institute
Short Book Reviews
16 (1996), 50. M. Csorgo, reviewer.
Statistica Applicata
8 (1996), 836 - 837. ??, reviewer.
Math Reviews 97g:60035, Miguel Arcones, reviewer.
Journal of the American Statistical Association
92 (1997), 794. Thomas Mikosch, reviewer.
Zentralblatt fur Mathematik
862.60002. Evarist Gine, reviewer.
Metrika 46 (1997), 180 - 183. Peter Gaenssler, reviewer.
Statistica Italien LVII (1997), 606-608.
Pier Luigi Conti, reviewer.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A160 (1997), 608.
Paul Marriott, reviewer.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D (The Statistican), 47 (1998), 233.
Ruediger Kiesel, reviewer.