Shape Constrained Inference: Definitions and starting points
- \RR^+
- monotone
- convex-decreasing
- k-monotone
- completely monotone
- \alpha-monotone
- \RR
- unimodal
- log-concave
- h-concave
- hyperbolic monotone
- \NN
- monotone
- convex
- k-monotone
- completely monotone
- mixtures of monotone
- alpha-monotone
- \ZZ
- unimodal
- log-concave
- hyperbolically monotone
- (\RR^{+})^d
- Block-decreasing
- scale mixtures of uniform
- h-concave/convex
- \RR^d
- unimodal
- log-concave
- h-concave
- Other spaces?
- Connections to mixture models
- Connections to inverse problems
- Wicksell problem
- Interval censoring
- Renewal theory
- Hampel's problem