Jon A. Wellner

Values of L_n, the length of the longest increasing subsequence 
in 10^4 random permutations of {1, 2, ... , n}  for n=9x10^3.
There were 2 permutations for which L_n was 169, 4 for which 
it was 170, and so forth.

2      169
4      170
10     171
32     172
54     173
114    174
177    175
319    176
447    177
636    178
809    179
913    180
1047   181
1037   182
927    183
848    184
729    185
582    186
451    187
296    188
209    189
144    190
99     191
49     192
34     193
18     194
8      195
2      196
1      197
2      201