Jon A. Wellner

Values of L_n, the length of the longest increasing subsequence 
in 10^4 random permutations of {1, 2, ... , n}  for n=4x10^4.
There were 2 permutations for which L_n was 374, 2 for which 
it was 375, and so forth.

2     374
2     375
9     376
15    377
27    378
45    379
109   380
174   381
253   382
320   383
412   384
490   385
582   386
702   387
723   388
773   389
775   390
724   391
677   392
628   393
527   394
452   395
384   396
342   397
235   398
187   399
141   400
102   401
59    402
42    403
31    404
20    405
14    406
7     407
11    408
1     409
1     410
1     411
1     412