Jon A. Wellner
Values of L_n, the length of the longest increasing subsequence
in 10^4 random permutations of {1, 2, ... , n} for n=5x10^4.
There were 2 permutations for which L_n was 420, 6 for which
it was 421, and so forth.
2 420
6 421
7 422
15 423
31 424
36 425
78 426
114 427
169 428
226 429
364 430
435 431
535 432
594 433
699 434
752 435
758 436
739 437
683 438
685 439
566 440
550 441
450 442
348 443
311 444
255 445
176 446
114 447
84 448
77 449
43 450
34 451
24 452
21 453
6 454
4 455
3 456
4 457
1 459
1 460