Jon A. Wellner

Values of L_n, the length of the longest increasing subsequence 
in 10^4 random permutations of {1, 2, ... , n}  for n=6x10^4.
There was 1 permutation for which L_n was 461, 1 for which 
it was 463, and so forth.

1     461
1     463
9     464
14    465
28    466
49    467
61    468
129   469
177   470
217   471
342   472
436   473
502   474
580   475
632   476
637   477
746   478
743   479
676   480
653   481
639   482
523   483
433   484
431   485
327   486
255   487
208   488
142   489
130   490
81    491
63    492
47    493
27    494
16    495
15    496
13    497
6     498
3     499
3     500
1     501
1     502
2     503
1     508