Jon A. Wellner

Values of L_n, the length of the longest increasing subsequence 
in 10^4 random permutations of {1, 2, ... , n}  for n=1x10^5.
There was 1 permutations for which L_n was 600, 1 for which 
it was 601, and so forth.

1     600
1     601
1     602
1     603
5     604
12    605
27    606
40    607
58    608
81    609
121   610
160   611
213   612
294   613
368   614
441   615
498   616
589   617
679   618
654   619
644   620
615   621
648   622
595   623
587   624
504   625
418   626
366   627
276   628
257   629
178   630
165   631
131   632
101   633
85    634
52    635
42    636
26    637
17    638
22    639
8     640
5     641
10    642
1     643
2     644
1     645