Jon A. Wellner
Values of L_n, the length of the longest increasing subsequence
in 10^4 random permutations of {1, 2, ... , n} for n=7x10^5.
There was 1 permutations for which L_n was 1627, 1 for which
it was 1630, and so forth.
1 1627
1 1630
1 1631
3 1633
6 1634
6 1635
13 1636
12 1637
35 1638
39 1639
61 1640
73 1641
82 1642
127 1643
156 1644
166 1645
202 1646
265 1647
290 1648
308 1649
349 1650
400 1651
421 1652
432 1653
491 1654
461 1655
452 1656
472 1657
492 1658
438 1659
446 1660
390 1661
382 1662
362 1663
296 1664
288 1665
242 1666
202 1667
192 1668
187 1669
145 1670
122 1671
96 1672
73 1673
69 1674
47 1675
37 1676
39 1677
33 1678
25 1679
23 1680
12 1681
7 1682
6 1683
8 1684
4 1685
2 1686
3 1687
2 1688
1 1689
1 1690
1 1692
1 1693
1 1695