Graduate students, postdocs, and current visitors
Ph.D. Students and Dissertation Titles
Nilanjana Laha, UW (joint with Alex Luedtke, Statistics):
Estimation and testing under shape constraints.
Finished August 2019; Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, Statistics.
Qiyang (Roy) Han (Statistics): Topics on Least Squares Estimation
(Finished July 2018; Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, Statistics.)
Evan Greene
Finite Sampling Exponential Bounds.
(Finished July 2016). Ozette Technologies (see Geekwire article)
Charles Doss (Statistics):
Shape constrained inference for concave-transformed densities and their modes.
(Finished July 2013; Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, Statistics).
Takumi Saegusa (Biostatistics): Weighted likelihood estimation under two-phase sampling.
(Finished August 2012; Associate Professor, University of Maryland).
Arseni Seregin (Statistics):
Convex analysis methods in shape constrained estimation.
(Finished May 2010).
Marios Pavlides (Statistics):
Nonparametric estimation of multivariate monotone densities.
(Finished June 2008).
Marloes Maathuis (Statistics; joint with Piet Groeneboom, Delft):
Nonparametric estimation for current status data with competing risks.
(Finished June 2006; Professor, ETH Zurich).
Leah Jager (Statistics): Goodness-of-fit statistics based on phi-divergences.
(Finished June, 2006; Assistant Scientist, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health).
Hao Liu (Biostatistics):
Semiparametric marginal mean models
for multivariate counting processes.
(Finished August 2004). Assistant Professor, Division of Biostatistics, D. L. Duncan Cancer Center, Baylor University.
Fadoua Balabdaoui (Statistics):
Nonparametric estimation of a k-monotone density: a new
asymptotic distribution theory.
(Finished May 2004). Professor of Statistics, ETH Zurich.
Shuguang Song (Statistics):
Estimation with bivariate interval-censored data.
Statistician, Boeing.
(Finished December 2001).
Bin Nan (Biostatistics):
Information bounds and efficient estimates for two-phase
designs with lifetime data.
(Finished July 2001).
Professor, University of California, Irvine, Statistics.
Moulinath Banerjee (Statistics):
Likelihood Ratio Tests in Some Semiparametric and
Nonparametric Models
(Finished November 2000).
Professor, University of Michigan, Statistics.
Florentina Bunea (Statistics):
A Model Selection Approach to Partially Linear Regression.
(Finished July 2000).
Professor, Cornell University, Statistics.
Nilanjan Chatterjee (joint with Norman Breslow, Biostatistics):
Semiparametric Inference Based on Estimating Equations in Regression
Models for Two Phase Outcome Dependent Sampling.
(Finished March, 1999).
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University.
Eduardo Gomes (Statistics):
Lifetime and Disease Onset Distributions from Incomplete Observations.
(Finished February, 1999). Professor of Statistics, Universidade de Brasilia.
Brad McNeney (Biostatistics):
Asymptotic Efficiency in Semiparametric Models with non-i.i.d. Data.
(Finished August, 1998).
Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University, Statistics.
Ying Zhang (Statistics):
Estimation for Counting Processes with Incomplete Data.
(Finished June, 1998).
Professor, Indiana University, Biostatistics.
Huilin Hu:
Large sample theory for Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimation
in Semiparametric Models.
(Finished February, 1998).
Currently at Novartis Pharmaceutical Corp.
Yihui Zhan: Bootstrapping functional M-estimators
(Finished March, 1996). Currently at Rosetta.
Jian Huang:
Estimation in Regression Models with Interval Censoring.
(Finished 1994). Professor of Statistics, University of Iowa, Statistics.
Jens Praestgaard:
General-Weights Bootstrap of the Empirical Process.
(Finished 1991).
Director, Statistical Scientist, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation,
Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Luc Watelet:
Nonparametric Estimation of Component Life Distributions in Meilijson's
Competing Risks Model.
(Finished 1990).
Peter D. Sasieni:
Beyond the Cox Model: Extensions of the Model and Alternative Estimators.
(Finished 1989).
Professor of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology,
Queen Mary University of London and
Wolfson Institute of Preventative Medicine,
Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6BQ, UK.
Russell Millar:
Estimation of Mixing and Mixed Distributions.
(Finished 1989).
Currently Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand.
Anne Sheehy:
Kullback-Leibler Estimation of Probability Measures with an
Application to Clustering.
(Finished 1987).
Currently in Biostatistics Group, University of Zurich.
Gangaji Maguluri:
Inference for a Bivariate Survival Function.
(Finished 1986, University of Rochester).
Melinda Hungerford Harder: Effects of Censoring on Robustness.
(Finished 1985, University of Rochester). Lecturer, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine.
Wei-Min Huang (joint with W. J. Hall):
Parameter estimation when there are nuisance functions.
(Finished 1982, University of Rochester).
Professor of Mathematics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Janet Begun:
Estimation of Relative Risk in a Proportional Hazards Model.
(Finished 1980, University of Rochester).
Visitors and Post-docs
H.P. (Rik) Lopuhaä;
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics (DIAM),
Delft University, The Netherlands, (6/91 - 12/91)
Lars Korsholm; University of Southern Denmark, (1/96 - 6/96)
- Marian Hristache; Paris, France (6/96)
Erik Parner; Aarhus, Denmark (June 1 - October 1, 1996).
Piet Groeneboom; Delft, The Netherlands
(March 21 - September 1, 1997; March 24 - September 1, 1998;
March 29 - June 30, 1999;
March 27 - June 25, 2006).
Aad van der Vaart; Universiteit, Leiden, The Netherlands
(June 7 - August 21, 1993;
August 9 - August 16, 1994;
June 10 - July 15, 1997;
July 19 - August 18, 2002;
August 22 - August 30, 2008).
Eric Cator; Delft, (March 29 - August 31, 1999).
Erik van Zwet; Utrecht, (June 1 - August 31, 1999).
Marten Wegkamp; Statistics, Yale (Spring quarter, 2000).
Thomas Gerds; Freiburg, Germany, (April 2 - 30, 2001).
Vladimir Koltchinskii,
Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, Georgia, (March-June 2001).
Shanti Gomatam,
NISS and
University of Southern Florida, Tampa, (May 13 - 26, 2002).
Sandra Freitag,
Institut fur Medizinische Informatik und Statistik,
Universitatsklinikums Kiel, (September 1 - 27, 2002).
Tom Ketelaars,
Mathematics Department,
Delft University of Technology,
Delft, The Netherlands (January 6 - May 28, 2004).
Lutz Duembgen,
Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Acturial Science,
University of Bern, Switzerland (February 27 - March 4, 2006).
Gabriella Mostallino, Institute for Quantitative Methods, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
September 2005 - August 2006
Masoud Asgharian,
Mathematics Department,
McGill University,
Canada (October 22 - November 3, 2007).
Hanna Jankowski; NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, January 2006 - January 2008;
August 12 - 22, 2008; July 9-30, 2010.
Felix von Mueller, student, University of Duesseldorf, Germany,
January 2008 - March 2008.
Markus Pauly, Post-Doctoral Visitor, University of Duesseldorf, Germany,
February 6, 2009 - March 6, 2009.
Julia Dony, Post-Doctoral Visitor, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
March 6, 2009 - June 21, 2009.
Dragi Anevski, Mathematics Department, University of Lund,   Sweden (June 21 - 26, 2009).
Yining Chen, Statistics Laboratory, Cambridge University, UK, (April 22 - May 11, 2013).
Adrien Saumard (Statistics); NI-AID. (January - December 2013).
Lutz Duembgen, Universitaet Bern. (December 30, 2013 - February 6, 2014).
Yuichi Hirose, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand.
(October 5 - 17, 2014).
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