SIAM Data Minining Conference - The SDM 2011 Doctoral Forum
The 2011 SIAM Data Mining (SDM 2011) Conference is being organized by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) in cooperation with the American Statistical Association (ASA). SDM 2011 will be held in Mesa (AZ), USA from April 28 to April 30, 2011.
The SDM 2011 Doctoral Forum will take place on April 29, 6:30-8:30pm, immediately after the panel discussion. The Forum consists of a poster session where Ph.D. candidates in data mining, statistics, computer science and other closely related areas, who have made significant progress towards Ph.D. candidacy. The Ph.D. student forum participants will present their work, interact with their peers from other universities as well as hundreds of leading researchers in data mining from around the world.
Presentations 1. Stephen Bamattre (Ohio State University) "The Tau-Path Method for Detecting Associations in Subpopulations" 2. Anjishnu Banerjee (Duke University) "Effcient Gaussian Process Regression for Massive Data Sets" with David Dunson, and Surya Tokdar 3. Shayok Chakraborty (ASU) "Dynamic Batch Mode Active Learning via L1 Regularization" with Vineeth Balasubramanian and Sethuraman Panchanathan 4. Rita Chattopadhyay (ASU) "Subject based variability in Surface Electromyogram Signal" 5. Jianhui Chen (ASU) "Multi-Task Learning via Structured Regularization: Convex Formulations and Efficient Algorithms" 6. Huiji Gao (ASU) "Clustering Short Text Messages in Social Media" 7. Sedat Gokalp (ASU) "Behind Ideological Conflicts: Perspective Summarization" 8. Darren Homrighausen (Carnegie Mellon University) "Statistical Inverse Problems: Sequential Updating and Risk Estimation" 9. Xia Hu (ASU) "Enhancing Accessibility of Microblogging Messages Using Semantic Knowledge" 10. Shuai Huang (ASU) "Sparse Graphical Models with Application in Alzheimer's Disease" 11. Anna Klimova (University of Washington) "Relational models and partitions of contingency tables" 12. Hoyt Koepke (University of Washington) "Graphcuts for General Quadratic Binary Problems" 13. Yashu Liu (ASU) "The Implementations of Stability Selection Basing on Alzheimer's Disease Data" 14. Jingxian Mao (ASU) "Vegetation classification from UAV aerial image" 15. Subhadeep Mukhopadhyay (Texas A&M University) "Independence to Dependence - A Nonparametric Quantile Based method for High Dimensional Data" 16. Omar Odibat (Wayne State University) "Differential Modeling for Cancer Microarray Data" 17. Chi Han Peng (ASU) "Feature Detection in Aerial Images" with Cheng Pan and Yifan Zhang 18. Archana Ramesh (ASU) "Computational Methods for Knowledge Integration in the Analysis of Large-scale Biological Networks" 19. Venu Satuluri (Ohio State University) "Scalable Graph Clustering for Modern Networks" 20. Ina Sen (ASU) "A Computational Framework to Model and learn Context-Specific Gene Regulatory Networks from Multi-Source Data" 21. Jie Shi (ASU) "Application of Conformal Geometry and Sparse Learning to Early Cognitive Deterioration Prediction for Alzheimer's Disease" 22. Minghui Shi (Duke University) "Determination of the number of latent factors via graphical factor model" 23. Wei Sun (University of Illinois at Chicago) "Clustering analysis in high-dimensional data" 24. Liang Sun (ASU) "Multi-Label Dimensionality Reduction" 25. Jiliang Tang (ASU) "Integrating Social Media Data of Different Types for Community Detection" 26. Arturo Valdivia (ASU) "Data mining methods for assessing teacher, school, and program effectiveness" 27. Pu Wang (George Mason University) "Nonparametric Bayesian Models for Unsupervised Learning" 28. Xufei Wang (ASU) "Network Denoising in Social Media" 29. Yue Qing Nancy Wang (University of California, Berkeley) "Statistical approach for aerosol retrievals and other radiative transfer processes" 30. Shuo Xiang (ASU) "Sparse Learning Package and Property of Uniqueness" 31. Sen Yang (ASU) "Building a Brain Network by Stability Selection" 32. Xintian Yang (Ohio State University) "Towards Large-scale Network Analytics" 33. Lay Yuan (ASU) "Multi-Source Data Fusion Using Cox Model" 34. Hyokun Yun (Purdue University) "Scalable Statistical Modeling of Graphs Using Latent Features" 35. Reza Zafarani (ASU) "Between-Group Sentiment" 36. Jiayu Zhou (ASU) "Disease Progression Model: A Multi-task Learning Formulation" |
Congratulations to the two Best Poster + Presentation Award Winners
Subhadeep Mukhopadhyay (Texas A&M University) "Independence to Dependence - A Nonparametric Quantile Based method for High Dimensional Data"
Minghui Shi (Duke University) "Determination of the number of latent factors via graphical factor model"
They receive each a cash prize of $250 thanks to Google's support.
Support for the SDM Doctoral Forum comes from
National Science Foundation
Thanks to Dirk Van den Poel, Sedat Gokalp, Minghui Shi for providing the photographs