STAT425: Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics (2020)

This is a 10-week course focused on introducing three important topics in nonparametric statistics. We start from the classical nonparametrics including rank test, permutation tests, KS-tests, ..., and then take a tour of the nonparametric smooth approaches for density estimation, regression, and classification. We will end this course with an introduction to learning theory.

Check the Syllabus for detailed course plan.

Instructor: Fang Han (

Grader: Hongjian Shi (

Lectures: TTH 3:30-4:50, in GLD 435

Office hours: M 3:30-4:30 (optional) and T 2-3, in PDL B-308

Midterm: Jan. 30 and Feb. 25, in-class

Final exam: Mar. 19, 4:30 – 6:20PM, in GLD 435

Lecture notes:

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Homework assigments: