Empirical Processes Working Group

Winter Quarter 2006

The tentative schedule for the Empirical Processes Working Group is to meet on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:30 - 5:00 PM January 10 to to March 8, during Winter Quarter 2006 (with the exception of Tuesday, January 24 when Jon W. will be unable to attend). The meetings will be held in C301 Padelford Hall.

The main purpose of this page will be to keep a current version of the schedule for the group meetings. The current schedule (as of 1/3/2006) is as follows:

Tentative Schedule: (subject to suggestions, revision, and volunteers(!))


January 10:   intro & overview                 Jon Wellner               
January 11:   chapter 2.2, Orlicz norms,       Marios Pavlides 
                exponential inequalities,
                + basic maximal lemma 
January 17:   chapter 2.2, contd:              Marios Pavlides and Hanna Jankowski
January 18:   subGauss processes,              Hanna Jankowski
                Dudley's entropy inequality        
January 24:   NO MEETING      
January 25:   chapter 2.3:  symmetrization     Marloes Maathuis
                inequalities; Ottaviani's 
                inequality; Hoffmann-Jorgensen
January 31:   chapter 2.4, Glivenko-Cantelli   Marios Pavlides
February 1:   chapter 2.4 - extensions         Jon Wellner

February 7:   chapter 2.5, Donsker theorems    Hanna Jankowski

February 8:   chapter 2.5, continued           Phil Dinh
               bracketing inequality from 
               van der Vaart Asymptotic Statistics
               pages 270-271 and 284-288
               Jon W. proposed example 19.25 
               p. 280 as HW

February 14:  chapter 2.5 completion           Phil Dinh
               bracketing inequality & 
               bracketing CLT

February 15:  Example 19.25, p. 280            Marloes Maathuis
               discussion of vdv paper on
               estimation in mixture models    Jon W.

February 21:  chapter 2.6  VC theory           Marios Pavlides
February 22:  chapter 2.6, continued           Hanna Jankowski

February 28:  meeting Cancelled

March 1:      Log-concavity and                Lutz Duembgen
                density estimation              University of Bern
                (see slides posted on 
                main page)


March     7:  empirical process theory         
               applied to competing risks      Marloes Maathuis
               with current status data        

March     8:  empirical risk minimization      Marina Meila
               over Donsker classes
               (see paper posted on main page)