Jon A. Wellner

Values of L_n, the length of the longest increasing subsequence 
in 10^4 random permutations of {1, 2, ... , n}  for n=3x10^3.
There was 1 permutation for which L_n was 91, 3 for which 
it was 92, and so forth.

1      91
3      92
2      93
6      94
27     95
67     96
166    97
337    98
521    99
804    100
1001   101
1161   102
1281   103
1142   104
1059   105
844    106
571    107
393    108
264    109
161    110
86     111
53     112
26     113
9      114
7      115
6      116
2      117