Jon A. Wellner

Values of L_n, the length of the longest increasing subsequence 
in 10^4 random permutations of {1, 2, ... , n}  for n=7x10^3.
There was 1 permutation for which L_n was 148, 7 for which 
it was 149, and so forth.

1      148
7      149
21     150
37     151
93     152
157    153
326    154
482    155
657    156
820    157
980    158
1046   159
975    160
961    161
863    162
736    163
603    164
434    165
269    166
230    167
131    168
71     169
47     170
21     171
12     172
13     173
2      175
2      176
3      178