rm(list=ls()) library(SpatialExtremes) ## First load some data (already formatted) data(rainfall) ## Define the trend surfaces loc.form <- scale.form <- y ~ lon * lat shape.form <- y ~ 1 ## Center and scale the covariates covariates <- scale(coord[,1:2]) M0 <- fitspatgev(rain, covariates, loc.form, scale.form, shape.form) ## Consider nested models, i.e., no lon / lat interaction M1 <- fitspatgev(rain, covariates, loc.form, scale.form, shape.form, scaleCoeff4 = 0) M2 <- fitspatgev(rain, covariates, loc.form, scale.form, shape.form, locCoeff4 = 0, scaleCoeff4 = 0) anova(M0, M1)## <<-- p-value really small so what can you conclude??? anova(M1, M2)## <<-- the same here??? So what? anova(M0, M2)## <<-- Is this coherent from the above two tests?