rm(list=ls()) library(SpatialExtremes) ## Simulate from an extremal-t model at non gridded data n.site <- 5 x <- runif(n.site, 0, 10) y <- runif(n.site, 0, 10) n.obs <- 20 sim <- rmaxstab(n.obs, cbind(x, y), "twhitmat", DoF = 4, nugget = 0, range = 3, smooth = 1) ## Simulate from an extremal-t model at gridded data n.site <- 50 x <- y <- seq(0, 10, length = n.site) sim2 <- rmaxstab(1, cbind(x, y), "twhitmat", DoF = 4, nugget = 0, range = 3, smooth = 1, grid = TRUE) ## Plot the realization with a log-scale for visualization purposes filled.contour(log(sim2))