We want a standardized set of simulations. The goal is NOT to allow for infinite flexibility. Instead, we want a (smallish) set of options to ensure utility acroos many models. Need a fixed set of options to allow options for: 1) multivariability (one, two, three) 2) non-stationarity (none, low, high) 3) isotropy (none, low, high) 4) smoothly varying parameters (smooth, sharp) 5) grid (T/F) 6) space/space-time 7) number of points (easy/med/large) 8) gaussian/non-gaussian fields (transformation or distribution based) 9) number of simulations/realizations 10) covariance that allows for scientifically relevant covariates 11) specifying the amount of holdout observations Notes: 1) parameters that aren't specified are all generated 2) ability to resimulate the same realizations for reproducibility 3) could make a generate a large set of datasets and put them on a site 4) output in sp object (and geoR object) To-do: 1) Martin needs some input (this week!) for nonstationary model choices (model and parameters choices) 2) We need to have some people with different methods test it before it's released.