This is interesting because there are no clear patterns to the naked eye, but yet (as Simon has shown) the Complete Spatial Randomness hypothesis is rejected. The geological theory would suggest clustering of some kind.
Derek: Could I ask you to make a few overheads (of the plots stuff that you gave Chris F.)? If you had time to do some rudimentary mclust-EM (perhaps just with spherical models) that would be great.
P.S. In case anyone wants to have a go at these data, here they are (with some explanation from Daniel):
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 08:45:37 GMT From: Daniel Amorese ( To: Subject: Re: Thank you
Merci encore. J'envoie un fichier un peu plus complet (selection moins
forte sur les epicentres). Si la methode pouvait marcher sur une simicite
diffuse, elle serait tres utile (puisque les endroits ou la sismicite
est dense sont finalement peu nombreux).
Merci encore
364.559800 456.891300 385.102900 418.962600 346.122100 426.111500 329.347200 408.318700 423.654800 395.398400 404.862200 494.359300 391.891400 497.413300 361.116800 520.160000 348.495300 424.159200 409.270900 481.212500 399.489000 444.431000 378.817000 447.036700 374.863800 433.459900 361.198400 434.755600 348.116000 426.770600 292.019300 400.893000 287.098400 401.156500 413.079900 456.588400 351.964900 503.835500 309.678900 433.399700 437.087700 391.300400 394.920000 487.278300 380.031600 510.114000 367.540000 440.064300 305.472700 470.761900 284.843500 404.999700 423.612300 434.356600 381.845900 430.218700 357.503800 520.313000 294.476100 400.763100 284.641800 401.289600 283.908100 455.192900 331.800800 408.204600 449.947900 550.540300 379.815000 472.992600 346.500300 517.081800 343.251300 530.603700 432.541000 404.416800 326.973100 410.279100 458.145000 494.634600 384.356300 528.523600 335.422000 460.009400 301.828300 470.950400 281.258800 407.045300 312.591900 442.544600 302.151700 430.073400 403.408200 522.259900 358.632000 518.414800 303.004500 493.548400 437.275300 526.758600 307.612200 440.935200 311.159600 496.473900 402.830300 505.568800 391.395300 556.122400 356.065600 514.802400 344.102700 463.336300 392.560100 489.223800 358.474200 514.699600 357.345600 516.608400 339.885100 504.374400 316.710700 451.621200 338.835700 400.455700 392.627200 491.070600 377.548500 508.349800 427.259800 514.053800 389.651400 541.318800 374.590900 525.181000 351.240300 459.302100 316.802200 453.477400 282.175600 423.707200 370.095700 473.374500 368.362000 526.178400 306.933300 522.697900 285.548000 417.951800 349.242900 524.394200 332.653400 530.725700 294.900800 523.331900 294.183000 441.632700 305.633500 426.185100 428.859700 527.006200 389.582700 539.471100 351.566100 522.431100 309.061100 517.014100 449.060800 517.142700 388.780300 418.827100 341.147300 424.483900 340.461400 543.361600 400.904300 449.949000 409.765500 496.042800