Our summer session will focus on model-based clustering and applications. and also on Bayesian model selection and averaging, and on MCMC and importance sampling methods. There will be eight "long" talks (sessions of about 80 minutes, hopefully divided about equally between presentation and discussion), and six short talks (15 minutes each, plus some discussion). There will be several visitors, and there has been quite a bit of progress to report, so it should be exciting. Watch this space for details as they become known.
Day (Chair) | Time | Speaker | Topic |
Monday (Adrian Raftery) | 9:00-10:20am | Gilles Celeux, INRIA, Grenoble, France | Assessing initialization strategies for EM for mixtures |
10:40am-Noon | Alejandro Murua, UW Statistics | Model based document clustering and classification | |
Tuesday (Gilles Celeux) | 9:00-10:20am | Fionn Murtagh, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland | Intelligent data modeling based on the wavelet transform and data entropy |
10:40-11:05am | Chris Fraley, UW Statistics and Mathsoft, Inc. | Nonparametric density estimation and discriminant analysis using model-based clustering | |
11:05-11:30am | Ka Yee Yeung, UW Computer Science | Analysis of gene expression microarray data using model-based clustering | |
11:30-11:55am | Danny Walsh, UW Statistics | Importance Sampling and the Hough Transform for Detecting Features in Images | |
Wednesday (Fionn Murtagh) | 9:00-10:20am | David Heckerman, Microsoft Research | Dependency networks for data visualization |
10:40am-Noon | Florence Forbes and Nathalie Peyrard, INRIA, Grenoble, France | Mean field approximation methods for parameter estimation and model selection in hidden Markov models for images | |
Thursday (Chris Fraley) | 9:00-10:20am | Naisyin Wang, Texas A&M University, and Russell Steele, UW Statistics | Multiple imputation via importance sampling |
10:40-Noon | Mary Emond, UW Biostatistics | Estimating Bayes factors for mixtures via importance sampling | |
Friday (Mary Emond) | 9:00-10:20am | Marina Vannucci, Texas A&M University | Multivariate Bayesian variable selection and prediction in curve regression |
10:40-11:05am | Yingye Zheng, UW Biostatistics | Bayesian Model Averaging for Inference: Results for General One-parameter models | |
11:05-11:30am | Sam Bates, UW Statistics | Estimating the Covariance of a Multivariate Normal Proposal Density in MCMC using Nearest Neighbors | |
11:30-11:55am | Greg Warnes, UW Biostatistics | Adaptive Kernel Coupling for Parallel MCMC |