Fridays from 9:00am to 10:20am in room C-301, Padelford Hall, University of Washington Seattle Campus.
Date | Speaker | Topic |
April 15 | James Raymer (U. of Southampton) | Modelling migration flows with inadequate and missing data |
April 22 | Kenneth Lo (UW Microbiology) | Integration of external biological knowledge in the construction of gene regulatory networks |
April 29 | Vladimir Minin (UW Statistics) | Empirically corrected model-based clustering |
May 6 | Mark Wheldon (UW Statistics) | Estimating population quantities using data from multiple noisy sources |
May 13 | Chris Fraley (UW Statistics) | Model averaged l1 regularization |
May 20 | Adrian Dobra (UW Statistics & Nursing) | Multi-way Gaussian Graphical Models with Application to Multivariate Lattice Data |
May 27 | Hana Sevcikova (UW Statistics) | Implementing Probabilistic Population Projections: the bayesDem, bayesTFR and bayesLife packages |