Fridays from 9:00am to 10:20am in room C-301, Padelford Hall, University of Washington Seattle Campus.
Date | Speaker | Topic |
April 5 | Tyler McCormick | Latent space models for multiview network data |
April 12 | NO MEETING (PAA) | |
April 19 | Evan Greene | Online Dynamic Model Averaging with Orthogonal Data Augmentation |
April 26 | NO MEETING | |
May 3 | Jon Azose | Probabilistic projection of international migration |
May 10 | Theresa Smith | Restricted Covariance Priors with Applications in Spatial Statistics |
May 17 | Yanjun He | Probabilistic Population Projection for Countries with Generalized HIV/AIDS Epidemics |
May 24 | Rachael Maltiel | Bias Adjustments to the Network Scale Up Method for Estimating At Risk Populations |
May 31 | Emilio Zagheni, CUNY | Population Age Structure and Carbon Emissions |
June 7 | Chad Young | ScanBMA: Results and Comparisons |