SizeEstimation: Estimating the sizes of populations at risk of HIV infection from multiple data sources using a Bayesian hierarchical model
latentnet: Latent position and cluster models for statistical networks
VBLPCM: Variational Bayes Latent Position Cluster Model for networks
raftery.diag: Function in the package
coda for determining the number of iterations required in an MCMC
algorithm. I recommend running it with r=0.0125 as default rather than
r=0.005. I also recommend running with both q=0.025 and
q=0.975, and using the maximum of the two recommended numbers of iterations.
mcgibbsit: Warnes and Raftery's MCGibbsit MCMC diagnostic for
multiple chains.
covRobust: Robust covariance matrix estimation using nearest
neighbor cleaning.
bridge: Bayesian robust inference for differential gene expression.
nudge: Normal Uniform Differential Gene Expression detection.
Microarray Spot Segmentation and Gridding for Blocks of Microarray Spots.
S functions
S function to calculate and plot the ACE transformations for logistic regression
(adapted from linear regression).
Adrian E. Raftery, [23/Jan/95] (4k)
S-function to compute robust estimates of partial autocorrelation for
AR processes (upto order 6).
This function can also be used to obtain posterior probabilities for
the competing AR models.
Nhu Le ( [1/Mar/95] (99 k)
Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a fractionally-differenced
ARIMA (p,d,q) model (Haslett and Raftery, Applied Statistics 1989). Fortran
source code in a shar archive. See also fracdiff in the general collection of StatLib.
Submitted by Chris Fraley, ( [24/Mar/91]. [12/Aug/91]
[9/Oct/91] [4/Nov/91] [13/Nov/91] [24/March/92] [15/Sept/92] [22/Feb/93]
[11/Mar/94] [4/May/94] (135 kbytes) Note: A function based on this code is now available in R under the name
Determines the number of iterations required to achieve a specified accuracy level
in Markov chain Monte Carlo. An S translation of the Fortran function
Submitted by Steven Lewis ( [1/Mar/95]
[4/Oct/95](7 kbytes)
Functions for fitting principal curves. Implements the bias correction method
of Banfield and Raftery (JASA, 1992).
Created by Trevor Hastie
( [7/Aug/93] (15 kbytes)
S code to perform a weighted likelihood bootstrap.
Michael Newton ( [17/Dec/92] (3k)
Fortran programs
Bayesian synthesis method for bowhead whale population dynamics model
(Raftery, Givens, Zeh 1995 JASA). Fortran. Also see bergs.
Submitted by Geof
Givens (geof@space.stat.ColoState.EDU) [1/Mar/95] (266 kbytes)
Reweighting sensitivity analysis for Bayesian synthesis bowhead whale pop.
assessment (Raftery, Givens, Zeh 1995 JASA). Fortran. See baysyn.
Submitted by
Geof Givens (geof@space.stat.ColoState.EDU) [1/Mar/95] (2.46 Mbytes)
Discrete time event history analysis, written for World Fertility Survey data, but
nearly all of the subroutines are more generally applicable.
Steven M. Lewis ( [1/Mar/95] (347 k)
Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a fractionally-differenced
ARIMA (p,d,q) model (Haslett and Raftery, Applied Statistics 1989). Fortran
source code in a shar archive.
See also fracdiff in the S collection of StatLib (see link above).
Submitted by Chris Fraley, ( [7/Oct/91] [24/Mar/91].
[4/Nov/91] [15/Sept/92] [22/Feb/93] [11/Mar/94] [4/May/94](220 kbytes)
Determines the number of iterations required to achieve a specified accuracy level
in the Gibbs sampler. A Fortran program.
(Adrian Raftery, [13/Sept/91] [1/Mar/95] (114 kbytes)
Fortran program used for Bayes factors in hierarchical models:
calculates the Laplace approximation to the marginal likelihood
for the Poisson-Gamma (negative binomial) regression model.
Susan Rosenkranz ( [29/Mar/94] (252 kbytes)
Higher order Markov chains: Estimating the MTD (Markov Transition
Distribution) model of Raftery (JRSS B, 1985) and
Raftery and Tavare (Applied Statistics, 1994) [calls NAG].
"Adrian E. Raftery"
( [11/Mar/94][25/Jul/94] (32kbytes)
Data sets available
Longitudinal educational transition data set for a sample of 500 Irish students,
with 4 independent variables
(sex, verbal reasoning score, father's occupation, type of school).
Submitted by Adrian E. Raftery, [20/Dec/93] (13 kbytes)
Social Mobility (US, 1973).
Two four-way 17x17x2x2 contingency tables: Father's
occupation, Son's occupation (first and current), family structure, race.
Submitted by Timothy J. Biblarz (biblarz@uscvm.bitnet). [corrected 25/Jan/93]
Wind: Haslett and Raftery 1989).
There are two entries to obtain:
A short desciption of the data (815 bytes)
Data on the shooting of Vinnie Johnson of the Detroit Pistons during the
1985-1986 through 1988-1989 seasons. Source was the New York Times.
Analyzed in
Kass and Raftery (1995).
Submitted by Rob Kass ( [18/Aug/95] (26 kbytes)
The data set found in appendix D of Fleming and Harrington, Counting Processes
and Survival Analysis, Wiley, 1991. Used in
Raftery, Madigan and Volinsky (1994).
Submitted by therneau@Mayo.EDU (Terry Therneau), [25/Jul/94] (36 kbytes)
Veteran's Administration Lung Cancer Trial, Taken from Kalbfleisch and Prentice,
pages 223-224. Used in
Raftery, Madigan and Volinsky (1994).
( (8249 bytes)