This file describes the making of the IBDgraph C-library, and how to run the calling script on test examples. A copy of this text file is included in the IBDgraph directory under the name INSTALL_PYTHON.txt. ********************************************************** To build the library, run make libdgl This will create a shared library file, To remove the *.o files from the src subdirectorory, run make clean It is recommended you run make clean before and after making your library on a new machine. To remove the library as well as the *.o files run make ultraclean ******************************************************** Tests may be run using the python script Two example test files are in subdirectory tests/datafiles: test_dgl_1.dglf1 and test_dgl_2.dglf1 (The third file is the combination of these two) To run the example, obtaining the graphs equivalent across all markers: python2.5 tests/datafiles/test_dgl_1.dglf1 To run the example, obtaining the graphs equivalent at a specific marker: e.g. marker 3 python2.5 tests/datafiles/test_dgl_1.dglf1 -m3 To run the example, obtaining the graphs equivalent over a marker range: e.g. between markers 3 and 5, python2.5 tests/datafiles/test_dgl_1.dglf1 -r3-5 To run the example, obtaining for a particular graph and specified marker, how far in each direction the graph remains equivalent, e.g. graph number 65 around marker 5 run python2.5 tests/datafiles/test_dgl_1.dglf1 -s65-5 which will return "The hash at marker 5 is valid for the marker range 2 to +Inf" To run the example, and obtaining all the marker intervals where a particular graph is equivalent, e.g. graph number 65, run python2.5 tests/datafiles/test_dgl_1.dglf1 -a65 ********************************************************** Have fun!! Elizabeth Thompson Updated: June 3, 2010 **********************************************************