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1.3 Get and set up the examples

This tutorial assumes that the MORGAN software has already been installed. If this is not the case, please contact your local system administrator or download the software yourself and follow the instructions therein.

Follow the following steps to download and set up the examples:

  1. Download the examples (gzipped tar files) for MORGAN 2.9: morgan-examples_V29.tar.gz

  2. Unpack the examples by typing the following command in a shell window,

    user$ tar zxvf morgan-examples_V29.tar.gz

    Or if the above command fails (you don't have GNU tar), use

    user$ gunzip -c morgan-examples_V29.tar.gz | tar xvf -

    This will produce a `MORGAN_Examples' directory under your current directory.

    (Note: Throughout the text, file and directory names are enclosed in single quotes; these single quotes are not part of the file or directory name.)

  3. Use `Makefile' to establish links under the `MORGAN_Examples' directory to the MORGAN programs. A link under the `MORGAN_Examples' directory serves as a shortcut to a MORGAN program installed elsewhere.

    Before making links, you first need to edit the `Makefile' (using your favorite text editor, for instance vi or pico) in the `MORGAN_Examples' directory to make sure the paths to your MORGAN programs and those to the `MORGAN_Examples' directory are correct. Most often, it is necessary to change the `MORGANDIR' and `EXAMPLEDIR' statements to reflect the locations of the MORGAN files on your system and the examples, respectively. Here is the relevant part of the `Makefile',

    # Change the following macros to where MORGAN and the examples 
    # are installed on your system.
    # This is the only change you need to make in this file.
    MORGANDIR = /castor/genepi/MORGAN_V2.9
    EXAMPLEDIR = /h4/audrey/MORGAN_Examples
    BINDIR = /h4/audrey/bin
    # Note: the paths may happen to be same for MORGANDIR and EXAMPLEDIR. 
    # In general they are different: 
    #          MORGANDIR is where MORGAN is installed on your system
    #          EXAMPLEDIR is the MORGAN_Examples directory you have made
    #          BINDIR is your bin directory
    # BINDIR is needed only if you prefer to link to executables from your
    #    bin directory, rather than running from a current directory: for
    #    example, if your current directory is not in your standard path.

    For more information on how to use Makefile to build links, etc., you may type:
    make help

    To make symbolic links to those programs in the current directory, type
    make links 

Notes for Microsoft Windows users:

MORGAN may be (in principle) installed under Windows: executables should then be placed in the directory in which programs are to be run. See the documentation for more information. We cannot currently answer any questions regarding Windows installation. Instead, we recommend the use of a linux-system emulator such as Cygwin .

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This document was generated by Elizabeth Thompson on September, 10 2010 using texi2html