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1.5 Structure of the MORGAN package

It is not necessary to read this section in order to use MORGAN, to run the examples, or to modify them for your own use. However, for those who wish to modify MORGAN code, or to understand MORGAN more fully, it will be useful to have information on the directory structure, the README documentation, and the GOLD-standard documentaion, Makefiles, and examples. These are therefore described in this section, updated for the released version of MORGAN 2.9.

  1. README documentation files

    Within the main MORGAN directory, there are program directories, and within these there the Gold-standard directories. At each level there are README files which provide additional documentation. In many cases, this information is duplicated in the tutorial, but whereas the Tutorial is focused to the user, README documentation is focused to the modifier and developer.

    1. README files in the main MORGAN directory

      These include README_readme, README_MORGAN, README_install, and README_relnotes.

      • README_readme describes the various README files throughout MORGAN.

      • README_MORGAN lists the MORGAN programs and describes briefly the analysis done by each program. It also lists the MORGAN V2.9 directories and libraries.

      • README_relnotes contains a summary of the changes and additions in recent releases of MORGAN.

      • README_install contains instructions for installing MORGAN executables.

      In some MORGAN releases there may be additional main-directory README files. For example, in the first release of MORGAN 2.9 there is a README_bugs_v2.9: these bugs are now fixed.

    2. README files in main program directories

      The main program dirctories of MORGAN 2.9 are PedComp, Genedrop, Autozyg, Lodscore, LR_Lods, and PolyEM. Each main program directory contains its own README_userdoc. This describes the inputs to be prepared for the programs, and the various program options. Most of this information is now included in the tutorial, but the README files may contain more detail in some cases.

      Occasionally, there may be additional README files. For example the Autozyg main program directory contains a file README_IMPORTANT, described the (few) parameter statements that must be changed when moving from older to newer versions of MORGAN.

      Most subroutine directories do not contain README files. An exception is the library of subroutines for the lm_twoqtl program, `/TwoQTL'. The README_twoqtl file in the `TwoQTL' subdirectory contains information about running lm_twoqtl. This information is not yet incorporated into the relevant main-program directory README_userdoc file.

      Additionally, the Autozyg main program directory contains a subdirectory `/Utils' of routines specific to the programs lm_ibdtests and lm_map which have not yet been incorporated into a library directory. There are two README files in `Utils': README_ibdtests and README_lm_map written by the authors of those programs. In this case, most of the relevant information is now incorporated into the README_userdoc in the Autozyg program directory.

    3. README files in Gold and Test subdirectories.

      Each main program directory contains a subdirectory, Gold, or in two cases both a Gold and a Gold1 subdirectory. These directories include examples that may be run to check correct installation of MORGAN, and to provide a wider array of example parameter files than are currently in the MORGAN_EXAMPLES files used in the tutorial. Each Gold and Gold1 subdirectory contains a README_gold file detailing the examples in that directory.

      Additionally, in some versions of MORGAN, Autozyg contains a TestGL subdirectory, with an example for testing installation of the real-time graphics display (if installed). The README_display file in this subdirectory provides information on this topic.

  2. The subroutine library directories

    The subroutine library directories contain the code for the library routines. During installation of MORGAN, each creates a library file from which the required subroutines are loaded into the executable of each main program. The libraries can be divided broadly into four groups:

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