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12.3 Running multivar example and sample output

The command to run multivar (unibig and bivar have the same set of options) is:

./multivar parfile [ped pedfile] [eigen eigenfile]

where parfile is the name of the parameter file and is required. pedfile overrides the `input pedigree file' statement, and eigenfile overrides the `input eigenvalue file' statment in the parameter file.

Under the subdirectory `PolyEM/', run the example by typing:

./multivar polyem.par

Toward the end of the multivar output, are the parameter estimates and the log-likelihood from the last iteration of the EM algorithm. If you chose to fit a null (purely environmental) model, using the `fit environmental model' statement, those parameter estimates and log-likelihood are also given. A likelihood ratio test can then be performed, with test statistic equal to the absolute value of 2 times the difference between the log-likelihoods of the two models. A conservative test is provided by comparing the test statistic to a chi-squared distribution, with the degrees of freedom being the difference in the numbers of estimated parameters between these two models.

 iteration #201:

    additive variance estimates (traits 1, 2)
        0.816    0.037

    residual variance estimates (traits 1, 2)
        0.223    0.610
    trait 1
       overall mean      -0.063
    trait 2
       overall mean       1.780
       fixed effect  1   -0.717    0.546
       fixed effect  2   -1.008   -0.552    1.167

 current log-likelihood = -183.098

 estimates of environmental model

    residual variance estimates (traits 1, 2)
        1.136    0.642
    trait 1
       overall mean       0.062
    trait 2
       overall mean       1.801
       fixed effect  1   -0.773    0.589
       fixed effect  2   -1.010   -0.553    1.170

 environmental model log-likelihood = -197.799

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This document was generated by Elizabeth Thompson on September, 10 2010 using texi2html