Friday, August 27

9:00-10:30     Session 21:   Special Lectures                        Antoniadou Theater, AUEB
                      Chair: Eric Smith

Geert Molenberghs and H. Geys
"Analysis of Clustered Multivariate Data from Developmental Toxicity Studies"

Anthony R. Olsen
"Global Grids as a Basis for Survey Designs of Lakes and Streams in the United States"

                      Poster Session II                                                     Antoniadou Hall, AUEB

10:30-11:00     Coffee Break                                                           Antoniadou Hall, AUEB

11:00-12:30     Session 22:                                                          Antoniadou Theater, AUEB
                   Environmental Statistics
                        Chair: Allan Adolphson

Raymond L Correll, P. Hall, and R. Naidu
"Estimation of Confidence Intervals for the Mean in the Presence of Outliers"

Anders Grimvall, S. Danielsson, M. Malm, and S. Stark
"A Statistical Test for the Evaluation of Signal Species as Indicators of Key Biotopes for Endangered Species"

John V. Tsimikas and E. J. Stanek
"Estimation of Soil Ingestion via Semi-Parametric Bayes Methods"

11:00-12:30     Session 23:                                                        Antoniadou Room 21, AUEB
                    Analysis of Environmental Changes
                         Chair: Jari Walden
Fotini Labropulu and P. J. Sullivan
"Evaluation of Higher Moments of a Scalar Concentration PDF in Turbulent Flows"

P. F. Darken, G. I. Holtzman, and Eric P. Smith
"Evaluating Changes in Trends in Water Quality:
A Test Based on Two Modified Kendall’s Tau-Correlation Coefficients"

Jari A. Walden and A. H. El-Shaarawi
"Environmental Trends Analysis:
Applications to Sulfur Dioxide Data in Finland and Canada"

12:30 -1:00     Coffee Break                                                            Antoniadou Hall, AUEB

1:00 - 1:30     Closing Session:                                                 Antoniadou Theater, AUEB
                      TIES Student Prize Award
                       Chair: Abdel H. El-Shaarawi

                     End of Conference

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