The scientific program consists of 23 sessions of formal talks, including both invited and contributed presentations, and of 2 poster sessions for papers presented by students. The participation of students has been strongly encouraged, and the best student-paper/presentation will be awarded a monetary prize by TIES.

The information given in this section is now virtually final, yet as we approach the dates of the conference, it may be updated somewhat frequently with minor changes on the schedule. Thus, in order to be aware of details that may concern you, it is advised to check here regularly until your arrival to the conference.

The great majority of formal talks has duration of 30-minutes each, except of talks which belong to a series of Special Lectures offered during morning sessions and are of longer duration. Papers in each one of the two poster sessions will be on display throughout the day in which they are scheduled in the program.

The entire program of SESS-TIES'99 is accessible by clicking on each one day below.

The abstracts of papers presented in any given session are accessible by clicking on the session's title line. Immediately after each abstract is given full address information of the author or co-author presenting the paper.

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