Thursday, August 26

9:00 -10:30   Session 14:                                                    Antoniadou Theater, AUEB
                       Statistics in the Astro-Sciences
                       Organizers: Abdel H. El-Shaarawi and Jef L. Teugels
                        Chair: Jef L. Teugels

 Elke Kestens, J. L. Teugels, C. Aerts, and J. Cuypers
"Period Analysis of Astronomical Time Series: A Non-Parametric Approach"
Guenther Walther
"On Solar Neutrinos, Sunspots, and Correlation Statistics"
                  Poster Session I                                                       Antoniadou Hall, AUEB

10:30-11:00    Coffee Break                                                             Antoniadou Hall, AUEB

11:00-12:30   Session 15:  Ecological Statistics                   Antoniadou Theater, AUEB
                        Organizer and Chair: Wolfgang Urfer

S. Selinski and Wolfgang Urfer
"Bayes Estimation of Toxicokinetic Parameters in Population Models"

L. Tschiersch, Matthias Zerbst, M. Yassin, and  W. Urfer
"Analysis of Soil Erosion Data from Morocco"

 11:00-12:30   Session 16:  Remote Sensing                       Antoniadou Room 21, AUEB
                         Chair: Richard W. Katz
Gil Lissens
"Cloud and Snow Detection in Space-Borne Imagery of the VEGETATION Sensor"

John C. Lukas
"Heat Budget Calculation in the Convective Boundary Layer on a 4´4 Vertical vs. Time Grid from Aircraft and Surface Measurements"

12:30-2:00    Lunch Break

2:00 - 3:30    Session 17:  Trend Analysis                              Antoniadou Theater, AUEB
                     Chair: Raymond Correll

Abdalla Elbergali, S. Hussain, G. Shukur, and A. Al-Masri
"Parsimonious Modelling and Testing of Long-Range Dependence and Variance Change in Wind Speed"

Anders Grimvall and C. Libiseller
"Non-Parametric Trend Detection in the Presence of Covariates"

Helmut Pruscha
"Time Series based on Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) with Application to Forest Inventory Data"

 2:00 - 3:30   Session 18:                                                          Antoniadou Room 21, AUEB
                    Environmental Modelling
                        Chair: Allan Adolphson
Stefanka Chukova, B. Dimitrov, and Z. Khalil
"Cost Analysis of Proportional Rate Model in Environmental Protection"

Jozsef Kovacs and I. Szekely
"Temporal Structure of the Process of Infiltration in Karstic Areas"

Laszlo Markus
"Analysis of Spatio - Temporal Latent Effects Governing Hydrogeological Phenomena
and its Use in Environmental Problems"

 3:30 - 4:00   Coffee Break                                                             Antoniadou Hall, AUEB

 4:00 - 6:00  Session 19:   Spatial Data Analysis               Antoniadou Theater, AUEB
                       Chair: Petros Dellaportas

Mauro Coli and E. Nissi
"Space - Time Dynamic Models for Environmental Data"

Francesco Lagona
"Specification Errors in Spatial Autoregressive Models:
Impacts on Parameter Estimation"

Giovanna Jona Lasinio
"Exploring and Modelling Multivariate Spatial Data"

4:00 - 6:00   Session 20:                                                      Antoniadou Room 21, AUEB
                  Development in Environmetrics
                      Chair: Caterina Dimaki
Maria Cristina Amezquita, G. Martinez, and M. A. El-Saidi
"Creation and Development of the Environmetrics Research and Education Program for Colombia"

Roy E. Kwiatkowski, P. Band, and M. Camus
"Environment-Health Linkages: Application of the Determinants of Health Model"

Caterina Dimaki, I. Virras, and V. A. Angelis
"Regional Development Issues: A Survival Analysis Approach"

9:00 p.m.    Banquet Dinner                                                                            Park Hotel

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