Statistics for Data Science
STAT 391 Spring Quarter 2021


Course Description



Class mailing list




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UW Statistics

UW ACMS Program




Homeworks are out typically on Thursday evening when they become available on the web and are due the next Thursday at the beginning of class.

Turn in your homework as a single .pdf file on Canvas. If coding is required, you will always have to turn in your code on Canvas. The code file(s) should be separate from the homework pdf file; they can be in .zip, .py, .m, etc. We will not grade the code.

Each homework problem is worth a certain number of points. The total number of points that you get during this quarter will be divided by the total number of possible points (the sum of the points for all the problems). The resulting fraction will be the basis for the (approx) 60% of your grade that the homework represents. When something is occasionally marked as "extra credit", it means that the points you get for it are added to your total in the numerator, but aren't added to the denominator of the fraction. The problems marked "not graded" need not be returned in the homework.