Math Sciences Seminar
MATH 498 Winter Quarter 2018




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UW Statistics

Seminars on campus
A partial list of the many very good research seminars series on campus
  • An event series NOT TO MISS is the amazing Math Across Campus (MAC) Colloquium. If you want to see math (and computer science) impact the world in truly impressive ways, go to this seminar, which is actually for undergraduates across campus. The food and desserts are awesome too. Next talk is TBA..
  • The Statistics Seminar Friday 3:30 pm (Note that in the winter quarter some of the regular seminars will be replaced by special seminars, on different days. They will be announced in advance on the same seminars page.) In particular, expect a series of Data Science talks and a Distinguished Lecture Series on Machine Learning and Big Data as part of this seminar
  • The Math department has many seminars in specialized fields, all listed on this page. Because these are specialized seminars -- of relevance to actual research groups in the math department (e.g Probability, Combinatorics, Algebra, ...), you may find them too technical. However, some of them, such as the Combinatorics seminar, have awesome preseminar talks which are accessible with very little background, and explain the problem to anyone who is not already an expert. Try them out!
    I want to also point out to you the awesome Sage project, which holds it own seminar. (More about it later)
  • The Yahoo! Machine Learning Lunch series takes place on Tuesdays 12-1:30. Aimed as grad students and ML researchers, but possibly worth checking out if there is a topic that particularly interests you. You can sign up for talk announcements here.
Statement of purpose
As you prepare to write your own, look at these resources.