Abel Rodriguez
I am a Professor of Statistics at the University of Washington, and an affiliate member of the eScience Institute and the Center for Statistics in the Social Sciences. Currently, I also serve as the Chair of the Department of Statistics. I develop statistical methods for complex problems in biology, social sciences, and engineering. My research interests include Bayesian statistics and machine learning, especially nonparametric methods, spatio-temporal models, network analysis and extreme value theory.

Recent and upcoming Talks
September 6 - 10, 2022 - OBayes Meeting,
June 25 - July 1, 2022 - ISBA World Meeting,
April 7, 2022 - University of Florida, Department of Statistics
March 2, 2022 - University of Washington, Center for Statistics in the Social Sciences
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
University of Washington
Department of Statistics
Box 354322
Seattle, WA 98195-4322
B-313C Padelford Hall
Phone Number:
+1 206 5436774
abelrod .at. uw .dot. edu