History of statistics, probability and stochastic processes


Plenary lecture at the 31st Brazilian Mathematics Congress in Rio de Janeiro 2017.

Papers on the history of statistics and probability

P. Guttorp (1997): SIMON NEWCOMB - Astronomer and statistician. For C. C. Heyde (ed:) Statisticians of the Centuries, International Statistical Institute.

P. Guttorp and T. Gneiting (2005): On the Whittle-Matérn correlation family. Published in Biometrika

P. Guttorp and G. Lindgren (2009): Karl Pearson and the Scandinavian School of Statistics. ISR special issue.

P. Guttorp and T. Thorarinsdottir (2012): What happened to discrete chaos, the Quenouille process, and the sharp Markov property? Some history of stochastic point processes. Published in ISR.

P. Guttorp and G. Lindgren (2017):Why distinguish between statistics and mathematical statisticsā-the case of Swedish academia. Submitted.

P. Guttorp and G. Lindgren (2018a): Bertil Matérn. To appear, StatsRef.

P. Guttorp and G. Lindgren (2018b): Carl Charlier. Submitted to StatsRef.

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