Current Research Projects
- Climate analysis (with Finn Lindgren, Ola Haug, Elisabeth Orskaug, Arnoldo Frigessi, Peter Craigmile, Veronica Berrocal, Ida Scheel, Yuting Ma, Richard Smith and others)
- Uncertainty analysis of regional climate models
- Uncertainty of rankings
- Statistical detection (and maybe later attribution)
- Extreme climate events (with Peter Craigmile, Kate Calder, Montserrat Fuentes, Alan Gelfand and Brian Reich)
- Searching climate signals in extreme temperatures
- Multivariate extremes in space and time
Project web pages
- Precipitation modeling
(with Tamre Cardoso, Wendy Meiring)
- Probability forecasting using a NHMM for precipitation
- Hierarchical Bayes model for combining precipitation data from
different sources
- Covariance estimation
(with Paul Sampson)
- Bayesian nonparametric estimation of spae-time mean and spatial covariance
- Papers
- Environmental standards (with Sofia Aberg and Nicola Loperfido)
- Statistical aspects of air quality standards
- Paoers
- Biological monitoring
(with Dean Billheimer, Grace Chiu)
- Space-time models for proportions
- Index measures for benthic invertebrates in streams
- Papers
Wavelets (with Don Percival, Debashis Mondal, Chris Bretherton and
Peter Craigmile)
- Applications to atmospheric science
- Trend assessment
- Space-time wavelets
- Papers
- Hematopoiesis (with Jan Abkowitz, Youyi Fong, Sandra Catlin, Daniela
Golinelli and Bryan Shepherd)
- Stochastic models for hematopoiesis in animals
- MCMC for hidden compartment models
- Papers and data
- History of stochastic processes (with Tilmann Gneiting, Georg Lindgren, Thordis Thorarinsdottir)
- History of point processes
- The scientific basis for continuous time Markov chains
- The origin of the Matern covariance function
- Some history of mathematical statistics in Sweden
- Papers
- Inference for stochastic processes (with Richard Lockhart,
Thordis Thorarinsdottir, Michael Perlman)
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