Program Agenda with Available Slides

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Monday, June 17




Tuesday, June 18

Opening Plenary Session

Opening Address: R. Levaggi, Ministry of the Environment, Regione Liguria, Italy (abstract)

Welcome Address: Marco Del Borghi, Head of DICHEP, Università di Genova, Italy (abstract)

TIES President's Invited Lecture

Chair: Silvia Esterby, Okanagan University College, Canada

Is the Earth's climate changing? (abstract)

Lennart Bengtsson, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany 

and Environmental Systems Science Centre, University of Reading, UK



Remote Sensing (Invited Paper Session)

Chair: William Cooke, Southern Research Station, U. S. Forest Service, USA

Organizer: R. E. McRoberts, North Central Research Station U. S. Forest Service, USA

Two methods for quickly and accurately constructing forest/non-forest classifications from satellite imagery and inventory data

Ronald E. McRoberts

North Central Research Station U. S. Forest Service, USA

Combining hyperspectral data and ground surveys for the assessment of non wood goods and services of forests

Michael Kohl (speaker), Wolfgang Stumer, Bernhard Kenter

Dresden University of Technology Chair of Forest Biometrics and Computer Sciences, Germany

Predicting aboveground biomass using field data and high resolution spectral imaging data (pdf slides)

Edzer J. Pebesma (speaker), Steven M. de Jong

Dept. of Physical Geography Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Selecting weights of satellite image and ancillary information in k-NN estimation: a genetic algorithm approach (pdf slides)

Erkki Tomppo(1) (speaker), Merja Halme(2)

1 Head of Finnish National Forest Inventory, Finland

2 The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland

Discussant: William Cooke

Southern Research Station, U. S. Forest Service, USA



Application of Extreme Values Distributions (Contributed Paper Session

Chair: Mohammed A. El-Saidi, Ferris State University, USA

Properties of quartile estimators for rainfall enhancement experiments

Tressa L. Fowler

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA

Evidence for climate variables having heavy-tailed distributions

Richard W. Katz

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA

Short term ground-level ozone forecasting with extreme value methods

Silvano Bordignon(1), Francesco Pauli(2) (speaker)

1 Dip. di Scienze Statistiche, Univ. di Padova, Italy

2 Dip. di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche, Univ. di Trieste, Italy

Hierarchical modeling of extreme rainfall

Daniela Cocchi, Michele Scagliarini (speaker)

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Bologna, Italy


Statistical Assessment of Large Computer Models (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: Peter Guttorp, NRCSE, University of Washington, USA

Uncertainty in Ocean/Climate Models

Peter Challenor

Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK

A geostatistical approach to assessment of regional air quality models

Paul D. Sampson (Speaker), Peter Guttorp

University of Washington, Seattle, USA

Statistical assessment of air quality numerical models (pdf slides)

Montserrat Fuentes

North Carolina State University, USA



Environmental Turbulent Diffusion and Dispersion (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: P.J. Sullivan, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

A probability density function for concentration in relative dispersion of a contaminant plume in the atmosphere

R.J.Munro, P.C.Chatwin, N.Mole (speaker)

Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Sheffield, UK

Some statistical problems in turbulent diffusion

Tom Schopflocher

Chemical Computing Group Inc, Montreal, Canada

Review of a Strategy for the Prediction of the PDF of Scalar Concentrations

Paul J. Sullivan

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada



Statistical Models for Categorical Data in Air Quality Monitoring (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: Alessandro Fassò, Università di Bergamo, Italy

Multivariate logit models with regime switching for forecasting air pollutants levels

Colombi Roberto

Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università di Bergamo, Italy

Non homogeneous Hidden Markov Models for categorical space-time series and an application to pollution data from the monitoring network in Rome

Francesco Lagona

University of Roma Tre, Italy

Data-Analysis of Environmental Air Pollutant Monitoring Systems in Europe (pdf slides)

Kristina Voigt (speaker)  (1), Gerhard Welzl (1), Rainer Brüggemann (2)

1 GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health Institute for Biomathematics and Biometry, Germany;  2 Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Department of Ecohydrobiology, Berlin, Germany.



Monitoring Networks (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: H. Wackernagel, Centre de Géostatistique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France

An experimental catchment for first flush flows in the town of Genova

C. Berretta  (speaker), I. Gnecco, P. La Barbera,  L.G. Lanza,  A. Molini

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Ambientale, Università di Genova, Italy

Statistical modelling of pollutants concentration in the surface waters of River Ave Basin

Teresa Alpuim (1), Arminda Manuela Gonçalves (2) (speaker)

1 University of Lisbon, Portugal; 2 University of Minho, Portugal

How to test information redundancy of environmental detectors in the time domain

Emma Sarno

Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica, Università della Calabria, Italy




Wednesday, June 19


Plenary Session

Chair: Silvia Esterby, Okanagan University College, Canada

J. Stuart Hunter Lecture

The Ozone Hole: Spatial Trend in a Massive, Global Dataset (abstract)

Noel Cressie, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA



Environmental Indicators (Invited Paper Session)

Chair: Bimal Sinha, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA

Organizers: T. Olsen (1), N. P. Ross (2)

1 US EPA NHEERL Western Ecology Division, Corvallis, Oregon, USA; 2 USEPA

Environmental Assessment Based on Multiple Indicators

Jerzy A. Filar (1) (speaker), N. Phillip Ross (2), Ming-Lu Wu (3)

1 CIAM University of South Australia; 2 US EPA, 3 City University of Hong Kong

Indexing Environmental Quality Indicators: A Multiple Criteria Decision-making Approach (pdf slides)

Ranjan Maitra (1) (speaker) , N. Phillip Ross (2) , Bimal Sinha (1)

1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, USA, 

2 United States Environmental Protection Agency

Prioritization and Ranking of Watersheds based on Watershed Indicators Without Having to Integrate Indicators for Multi-Criterion Decision Support (pdf slides)

G. P. Patil

Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental Statistics

The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. PA, USA

Discussant: Barry Nussbaum




Models in Time and Space (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: T. Alpuim, University of Lisbon, Portugal

A simple nonseparable space-time covariance model for ozone

Francesca Bruno (1) (speaker), Peter Guttorp (2), Paul Sampson (2), Daniela Cocchi (1)

1 Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Bologna, Italy; 2 Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

Spatial covariance modelling in a complex coastal domain by multidimensional scaling (pdf slides)

Gudmund Host (speaker), Anders Loland

Norwegian Computing Center, Norway

A Pairwise Framework for Geostatistics

Cristiano Varin (1) (speaker), Gudmund Høst (2)

1 Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Padova, Italy; 2 Norwegian Computing Center, Norway

Looking at ozone station data and model output in the framework of external drift kriging (pdf slides)

H. Wackernagel (1) (speaker), C. Lajaunie (1), C. Roth (2), N. Blond (3), R.Vautard (3)

1 Centre de Géostatistique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France; 2 Airparif, France; 3 Laboratoire de Métérologie Dynamique, Ecole Polytechnique, France



The Analysis of Pollution in Elbe River (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: Anders Grimvall, Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden

Empirical predictions of the Elbe oxygen deficit using data from different sources

Laurent Bertino (speaker) (1), Wilhelm Petersen (2), Hans Wackernagel (1)

1 Centre de Géostatistique, ENSMP, Fontainebleau, France, 2 Institute for Coastal Research, GKSS, Geesthacht, Germany

Assessment of Primary Production by Statistical Analysis of Water-Quality Data

Wilhelm Petersen (speaker) (1), Ulrich Callies (2)

1 Institute for Coastal Research; 2 GKSS, Geesthacht, Germany

Identification of meteorologically induced variations of water quality using an over-parameterised mechanistic model

Mirco Scharfe (speaker), Ulrich Callies

GKSS Research Center, Germany

Interpolating counts of exceedance of thresholds for NOx and ozone air quality data

Jan van de Kassteele (speaker) (1), Alfred Stein (1), G. Velders (2), Arnold L.M. Dekkers (2)

1 Mathematical and Statistical Methods Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands; 2 RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.



Methods for Identifying and Quantifying Trend (Invited Paper Session)

Chair: R. Smith, CEH, Edinburgh, UK

Organizer: M. Scott, CEH, Edinburgh, UK

Incorporation of concomitant information and deterministic models into statistical trend tests

Anders Grimvall

Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden

Exploration of trends in atmospheric temperatures (pdf slides)

Howard Grubb

School of Applied Statistics, The University of Reading, UK

Air quality assessment in UK and Republic of Ireland using non parametric methods

Marian Scott (1) (speaker), Ron Smith (1), Marco Giannitrapani (2)

1 CEH, Edinburgh, UK; 2 University of Glasgow and Palermo, Italy



Ecosystem Health and its Measurement at Landscape Scale (Invited Paper Session)

Chair: Orazio Rossi, Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università di Parma, Italy

Organizer: G. P. Patil, Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental Statistics, Penn State University,  PA, USA

Comparative Patterns of Habitat Richness and Rarity for Pennsylvania Vertebrates

W. L. Myers (1) (speaker), G. P. Patil (2), C. Taillie (2)

1 Center for Remote Sensing of Earth Resources, Penn State University, USA,

2 Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental Statistics, Penn State University, USA

Detection and Delineation of Critical Areas for Assessment and Management at Landscape Scales using Cellular Synoptic Data (pdf slides)

G. P. Patil (1) (speaker), W. L. Myers (2), C. Taillie (1)

1 Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; 2 Center for Remote Sensing of Earth Resources, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA

Use of Landscape and Land Use Parameters for Classification and Characterization of Watersheds in the Mid-Atlantic across Five Physiographic Provinces

D. H. Wardrop(1) (speaker), J. A. Bishop (1), M. Easterling (1), W. L. Myers (2), G. P. Patil (3), C. Taillie (3)

1 Co-operative Wetlands Center, Penn State University, USA; 

2 Center for Remote Sensing of Earth Resources, Penn State University, USA; 

3 Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. PA, USA

Discussant: Giovanni Zurlini 

Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università di Parma, Italy



Engineering and Environment (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: A. P. Reverberi, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo, Università di Genova, Italy

Managing CO2 emissions in the chemical industry

V. Dovì, M. S. Fumagalli

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo, Università di Genova, Italy

Environmental impact from dust generated by refuse materials: a new approach

C. Solisio (speaker) (1), V. Gareri (2), A. Del Borghi (3), M. Pescetto (4)

1Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo, Università di Genova, Italy; 2Provincia di Savona, Italy

Nonlinear Statistical Sensitivity Analysis of Environmental Models with Application on Heavy Metals Adsorption from Contaminated Wastewater (pdf slides)

A.Fassò (1) (speaker), E.Porcu (1), A. Esposito (2), A.P. Reverberi (2), F. Vegliò (2)

1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Bergamo, Italy

2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo, Università di Genova, Italy



Bayesian Model Comparison and Model Averaging (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: Annibale Biggeri, Università di Firenze, Italy

Evaluation of model uncertainty in ecological risk assessment using Bayesian Model Averaging

Eric P. Smith (speaker), Keying Ye

Department of Statistics,Virginia Tech, USA

Bayesian variable selection in multinomial probit models with application to spectral data

Marina Vannucci

Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, USA




Sampling in State and National Level Monitoring Program (Invited Paper Session)

Chair: S. Rathbun, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Organizers: Don Stevens (1), E.P. Smith (2)

1 Oregon State University; 2 Department of Statistics,Virginia Tech, USA

Implementing Regional Scale Monitoring in the Pacific Northwest Region of the US

Dan McKenzie


The San Francisco Estuary Regional Monitoring Program: management implications and benefits of redesign (pdf slides)

Karen Taberski (1) (speaker), Don Stevens (2), Sarah Lowe (3), Bruce Thompson (3), Jay Davis (3), Rainer Hoenicke (4)

1 San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, USA; 2 Oregon State University, USA; 

3 San Francisco Estuary Institute, USA 4California Resources Agency, USA

Discussant: Barry Nussbaum, USEPA (Tentative)



Statistical Issues of Scale-Invariance and Scale-Dependence in Environmetrics (Invited Paper Session)

Chair: Harry Pavlopoulos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Organizers: Vijay Gupta (1), Harry Pavlopoulos (2)

1 CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA; 2 Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece.

Scale Invariance of Regional Wet and Dry Durations of Rainfields: a Diagnostic Study

Harry Pavlopoulos (speaker) (1), Vijay K. Gupta (2) 

1 Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece; 2 CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

On the dynamic scaling of rainfall fields

C. De Michele (speaker), P. Bernardara, N.T. Kottegoda, R. Rosso 

DIIAR, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italyi

Discussant: R. Katz, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA




Thursday, June 20


Plenary Session

Chair: R. Pastorino, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo, Università di Genova, Italy

A model for structuring the quantitative assessment of public health and environmental risk of toxic substances (abstract)

Saul M. Lemkowitz (1) , Hans J. Pasman (2) (speaker)

1 Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands; 

2 Defence Research, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Research, Delft, the Netherlands



International Environmental Statistics (Invited Paper Session)

Chair: Ranjan Maitra, UMBC/EPA 

Organizer: N. P. Ross, USEPA

Monitoring Tailor Made III International Workshop on information for sustainable water management

Wim Cofino

RIZA Netherland, the Netherlands

Environmental indicators of performance and quality

Barry Nussbaum


Human Environment Index (HEI): A Measure of Progress Towards Environmental Protection.

Ashbindu Singh (1) (speaker), Parvina Shamsieva-Cohen (2)

1 Regional Coordinator UNEP Division of Early Warning and Assessment, North America; 

2 Independent Consultant, Seattle, Washington, USA

Discussants: David Redlin, USEPA;  Bimal Sinha, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA



Environmental Surveys and Environmental Indicators (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: D. McKenzie, USEPA 

Pointing in the Right Direction: Using Indicators of System Behaviour to Assess Sustainability

Louise Erasmus (1) (speaker), Albert S. van Jaarsveld (2)

1 Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Pretoria, South Africa; 

2 Conservation Planning Unit, Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Different methodologies to evaluate/quantify uncertainties of air emission estimates

Daniela Romano (speaker), Antonella Bernetti, Riccardo De Lauretis

ANPA (Agenzia Nazionale Protezione Ambiente), Italy

Evaluation of standards using a mixed model

Eric P. Smith (speaker), Alyaa Zahran, Mahmoud Mahmoud, Keying Ye

Department of Statistics,Virginia Tech., USA

The development of statistical uncertainty assessments for air pollution effects.

R. I. Smith

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (Edinburgh), UK



Time Series Analysis for Environmental Data (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: R. Correll, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

Time series of air pollutants (pdf slides)

Jiri Neubauer (speaker), Jaroslav Michalek, Frantisek Bozek

Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Using wavelets for decomposing and forecasting air pollution time series

Orietta Nicolis (speaker), Alessandro Fassò

Università di Bergamo, Italy

Fractional Vector Autoregressive Models for Environmental Data (pdf slides)

Mariagrazia Granturco, Eugenia Nissi (speaker)

Università D'Annunzio di Chieti, Italy

An automatic device for dynamic calibration of tipping bucket rain gauges

D. Cerisola, A. Vallebona (speaker), P. La Barbera, L. Lanza, A. Molini, L. Stagi

DIAM - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Ambientale, Università di Genova, Italy




Friday, June 21


Panel Session 

The Perspective of Quantitative Science in the Debate about Environmental Degradation (abstract)

Chair: I. B. MacNeill, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

Organizer: Silvia Esterby, Okanagan University College, Canada


N. Cressie, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

V. Dovì, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo, Università di Genova, Italy

P. Guttorp, NRCSE, University of Washington, USA

T. Jakeman, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australia

P. Sullivan, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada


Poster Papers

Human encroachment in National Parks in South Africa

M.W. Barry (1 , B. Reyers (2), A.S. van Jaarsveld (1), K.I. Meikeljohn (3)

1 Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Pretoria, South Africa 

2 Dept. of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, South Africa 

3 Dept of Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Probabilistic Quantitative Ecological Risk Assessment Modelling using AQUARISK.

Jayasuriya Perera (1), Ray Correll  (2), John Twining  (1)

1 Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation, Australia 

2 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia.

Heavy metals in TSP and PM10 measured in an industrial site of southern Italy: source

characterization and dependence on meteorological conditions

R. Caggiano (1), M. D'Emilio (2), M. Ragosta (2), M. Macchiato (3), S. Sabia (3)

1 Istituto di Metodologie Avanzate di Analisi Ambientale CNR, Italy; 

2 INFM - Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Fisica dell'Ambiente - Università degli Studi della Basilicata - Potenza, Italy; 

3 INFM – Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche -Università Federico II; Napoli, Italy

A new Model for the Inference of Population Characteristics from Experimental Data Using Uncertainties in Data. Application to Interlaboratory Studies (pdf slides)

Wim P Cofino (1), D.E. Wells (2)

1Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management, institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment RIZA, the Netherlands;

2 Scottish Office, Fisheries Research Station, Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, UK

An application of wavelet transform for the comparative study of two different prospection

magnetic techniques

M. D’Emilio (1), M. Ragosta (1), D. Chianese (2), E. Rizzo (2), M. Lanfredi (3), V. Lapenna (3), M. Macchiato (4)

1 INFM - Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Fisica dell'Ambiente - Università degli Studi della Basilicata - Potenza, Italy, 

2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Fisica dell'Ambiente - Università degli Studi della Basilicata - Potenza, Italy, 

3 Istituto di Metodologie Avanzate di Analisi Ambientale CNR - Tito Scalo (PZ), Italy, 

 4 Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche -Università Federico II – Napoli, Italy

Cost effectiveness and sampling efficiency in industrial sites soil characterization

C.I. Giasi (1), M.P. Masi (2)

1 Politecnico di Bari, Italy; 2 Politecnico di Bari e stagista AGIP Petroli, Italy

Estimation of the anthropogenic impact on nutrient loads carried by the Elbe River

M. Hussian  (1), A. Grimvall (1), W. Petersen,  (2)

1 Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden; 

2 Institute of Hydrophysics, GKSS Research, Germany

Describing the air quality in Rome

Sabrina Bellantone, Giovanna Jona Lasinio, Simona Sorrenti

Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy

Environmental risk in transportation of dangerous goods 

Roberto Lisi, Maria Francesca Milazzo, Giuseppe Maschio 

Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale ed Ingegneria dei Materiali, Università di Messina, Italy

Estimation of Winter Respiration of a Lake with Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method

 O. Malve, P. Laine, G. Haario 

Finnish Environment Institute, Finland

Wavelet transform as a tool in climate variability studies

D. Novotna (1), N. Datsenko (2), D. Sonechkin (2)

1 Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Prague, Czech Republic 

2 Hydrometeorological Research Centre of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Analysis of Particulate Fine Matters in Lombardia Region, Itally: a Geostatistical Approach

Emilio Porcu, Marco Geraci

Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy


Linear, Mixed Linear and Dynamic Linear Models in Environmetrics

(Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: G. Lovison, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche e Matematiche, Università di

Palermo, Italy

Linear Modelling of Monthly Temperature Data

Teresa Alpuim

University of Lisbon, Portugal

Are car-free days effective? A case study in Palermo using Dynamic Linear Models

G. Lovison, D. Mendola (speaker)

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche e Matematiche, Università di Palermo, Italy

Kriging and mixed effects models: some connections and a case study on soil degradation (pdf slides)

Alessio Pollice

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy



Trend Detection in Pollution Data (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: P. Vieu, Laboratoire de Statistique et Probabilites, Universitè "Paul Sabatier", Toulouse, France

Variance reduction for trend analysis of hydrochemical data in brackish waters

Claudia Libiseller (speaker), Anders Nordgaard

Linköping University  Sweden

Multivariate non-parametric tests of trend when the data are incomplete

Alvo Mayer (1) (speaker), Jincheol Park

1 University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada;

Normalisation of environmental air quality data using spatio-temporal analysis

Renata Romanowicz (speaker), Peter C. Young, Patrick Brown, Peter Diggle

Lancaster University, UK


Statistical Techniques Applied to Environmental Data (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: Ivana Horova, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Modelling Contaminant Age Relationship in Fish Tissue in the Great Lakes

A.H. El-Shaarawi

National Water Research Institute and Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia, Canada

Some nonparametric tests in meteorological time series

Jana Jureckova (1) (speaker), Jan Picek (2)

1 Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic 

2 Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic

Maximum ozone concentration forecasting by functional nonparametric approaches

German Aneiros-Perez, Herve Cardot (1), Graciela Estevez-Perez, Fredric Ferraty (1), Philippe Vieu (2) (speaker)

1 INRA Toulouse, Biometrie et Intelligence Artificielle, France 

2 Laboratoire de Statistique et Probabilites, Universitè "Paul Sabatier", Toulouse, France.



Statistical Issues in Air Pollution Emissions Inventories (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: M. Cirillo, Agenzia Nazionale Protezione Ambiente, Italy

An emission inventory at regional level: result and uncertainties

Stefano Caserini (speaker), Anna Fraccaroli, Anna Maria Monguzzi, Marco Moretti, Angelo Giudici, Cinzia Pastorello

Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente, Italy

The Need of Statistical Methodological Tools in the Compilation of Air Emission Inventories (pdf slides)

Riccardo De Lauretis (speaker), Daniela Romano

ANPA (Agenzia Nazionale Protezione Ambientale), Italy

Air emission inventories, needs for relevant statistics (pdf slides)

Jean-Pierre Fontelle

CITEPA, France



Risk assessment and applications (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: A. Lawson, University of Aberdeen, UK

On the Use of Hierarchical Models in Method Comparison Studies (pdf slides)

Alessandra R. Brazzale (1) (speaker), Alberto Salvan (2), Stefano Roletti (3)

1 Institute for Biomedical Engineering, National Research Council, Padova 

2 Laboratory of Environmental Hygiene, Italian National Institute of Health, Rome and Institute for Biomedical Engineering, National Research Council, Padova; 

3 A.R.P.A. Piemonte, Dipartimento di Ivrea - SETIL workgroup 

Modeling short-term health effects using air quality indices: an application to Bologna data (Italy)

Francesca Bruno (speaker), Rossella Miglio

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy

Environmental and Accident Risk Connected to Road Tunnel Fires: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation

B. Fabiano, F. Currò (speaker), E. Palazzi, R. Pastorino

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo, Università di Genova, Italy


Climate and Statistics (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: R. Katz, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA

Modelling precipitation at dense networks in large geographical areas

Enrica Bellone

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), USA

Estimating Upper Ocean Currents in the Labrador Sea

Thomas Bengtsson (speaker), Ralph Milliff 1 , Richard Jones 2

1 Colorado Research Associates, USA, 2 National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA

Multi-resolution analysis of the temporal evolution of polar stratospheric ozone and the detection of vortex breakpoint

Philippe Naveau (speaker), Philippe Keckhut, Alain Hauchecorne, Leah Goldfarb

Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Service d'Aeronomie, France

Wavelet Analysis of Climate-Related Flood Variability (pdf slides)

Brandon Whitcher (1) (speaker), Shaleen Jain (2)

1 Geophysical Statistics Project, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA 

2 NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, USA



Ecological and Environmental Quantitative Assessment (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: A.H. El-Shaarawi, National Water Research Inst., Canada

Non Parametric Tests and Confidence Regions for Intrinsic Diversity Profiles of Ecological Populations (pdf slides)

Tonio Di Battista (speaker), Stefano A. Gattone

Università di Chieti, Italy

A Way to Model Periodicity in Environmental Modeling

Boyan Dimitrov (1), Mohammed A. El-Saidi (2 ) (speaker), Zohel Khalil (3)

1 Kettering University, Michigan, USA; 2 Ferris State University, USA; 

3 Michigan, USA Concordia University, Canada

Two-stage estimation of coverages with second-phase corrections

Lorenzo Fattorini, Marzia Marcheselli, Caterina Pisani (speaker)

Dipartimento di Metodi Quantitativi Università di Siena, Italy

Detecting aberrations in waterborne infections surveillance data

Elena N. Naumova (1) (speaker) , Ian B. MacNeill (2)

1 Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA; 

2 University of Western Ontario, London, Canada




Saturday, June 22


Small Area Inference in Environmental Problems (Invited Paper Session)

Chair: E. P. Smith, Department of Statistics,Virginia Tech, USA

Organizer: Daniela Cocchi, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Bologna, Italy

Small area solutions for the analysis of pollution data (pdf slides)

D. Cocchi (speaker), E.  Fabrizi, C. Trivisano 

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Bologna, Italy

Weighted jackknife method in small-area estimation with an environmental application

Shijie Chen, Partha Lahiri (speaker)

Cluster Modelling of Small Area Health Data in Environmental Risk Assessment

Andrew Lawson

University of Aberdeen, U.K.



Risk Assessment (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: Silvia Esterby, Okanagan University College, Canada

Mortality and air pollution: a dynamic generalized linear modelling approach (pdf slides)

Monica Chiogna (speaker), Carlo Gaetan

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Padova, Italy

Cumulative Risk Assessment Based on Quantitative Responses

James J. Chen (1), Yi-Ju Chen ( 1), Linda K. Teuschler (2), Glenn Rice (2), Karen Hamernik (2), Alberto Protzel (2), Ralph L. Kodell (1) (speaker)


Estimation of bioavailability of environmental oestrogens in population models (pdf slides)

Silvia Selinski

Department of Statistics University of Dortmund, Germany




Chemiometrics (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: T. Schopflocher, Chemical Computing Group, Canada

Structural analysis of effectors of the oncogenic Ras proteins (pdf slides)

Marcus Brunnert

Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany

Identification of Signal Peptides Using a Hidden Markov Model: its Application to a Lytic

Hydrolase of Biotechnological Importance (pdf slides)

Mário Santos (1), Lisete Sousa (2) (speaker), Maria Antónia Amaral Turkman (2), Wolfgang Urfer (3)

1 Dep of Plant Biology - Lisbon University, Portugal 2; Dep of Statistics and Operation Research -

Lisbon University, Portugal 

3 Dep of Statistics - Dortmund University, Germany.

Added value of a (hierarchical) bootstrap model in environmental standard setting

Frederik A.M. Verdonck (1) (speaker), Olivier Thas (1), Joanna Jaworska (2), Peter A. Vanrolleghem (1)

1 Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control (BIOMATH), Ghent University, Belgium 

2 Procter & Gamble



Spatial and Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes (Invited Paper Session)

Chair and Organizer: A.H. El-Shaarawi, National Water Research Inst., Canada

Statistical Experiences: Estimating Bioavailability & Toxicity of Metals to Plants 

Ray Correll, Daryl Stevens, Mary Barnet, Mike Mc Laughin 

CSIRO, Australia

Ecosystem Management via Interacting Models of Political and Ecological Processes (pdf slides)

Timothy C. Haas

School of Business Administration University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, USA

Density Estimate and its Application to Analysis of Temperature series

Ivana Horova (speaker), Jiri Zelinka, Rudolf Brazdil, Marie Budikova

Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Statistical Issues for Geostatistical Modeling of Soil Moisture

Stephen L. Rathbun (speaker), Henry Lin

Pennsylvania State University, USA



Environmental Issues and Public Decision (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: J. Jureckova, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (Tentative)

Peoples’ willingness to pay for environmental conservation in Tabriz, Iran: A preview of

social and economic determinants (pdf slides)

Ali Mohammad Khorshiddoust

Physical Geography Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tabriz University, Iran

Mineral development and Quality of Life in Goa: A Indian Scenario

Maria Ligia Norohna, K. Nairy (speaker)

Tata Energy Research Institute, Goa, India

Statistical  Means for Evaluating on Decision Support Systems

Kosta Sotiroski

Faculty of Economy - Prilep, Fyrom, Greece

Effect of Environmental Regulation on Capital Markets: Some Evidence from the Indian

Automobile Industry

Sreekanth Venkatarman (speaker), Saumitra Bhaduri

Tata Energy Research Institute, Goa, India



Advanced Statistical methods for environmental problems (Contributed Paper Session)

Chair: L. Fattorini, Dipartimento di Metodi Quantitativi, Università di Siena, Italy 

Nonparametric statistics for deterministic dynamical models

Salim Lardjane

Universitè De Bretagne-Sud Applied Statistics Laboratory

Environmental modeling using GLM - possibilities and limits

Jaroslav Michalek

Department of Applied Mathematics, MU Brno, Czech Republic

The Advanced-Maximum-Linkage-Clustering-Approach and its application to aerial photographs and erosion data

Lars Tschiersch (speaker), Matthias Zerbst

Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany

A clustering judging criterion and its application to aerial photographs

Matthias Zerbst (speaker), Lars Tschiersch

Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany